Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Favourites

As I sit here typing this post, I can see the light blanket of snow covering our backyard, with more to come overnight.  I figured now was a good time to talk about my favourite spring things, because I know the warm weather must be right around the corner and we can say goodbye to the snow for awhile.

Cleaning up after winter - including the yard and putting away our boots and coats.  I love a fresh start and it is so satisfying to clear away the winter dirt.

Barbecuing more and eating outside.  We have used the BBQ a few times over the winter, but it is much better when the weather is warmer and we can hang out while cooking instead of hurrying back inside.

Doing something outside after supper.  We don't mind staying up a little later when the sun in still shining.  Going for a bike ride, walking around the block, or doing something in the yard are favourites.

Singing birds.

Quick rain showers.

The first ice cream of the season.

Patio lunches.

Flip flops.

Farmer's Markets.

Always having something to watch on TV because baseball has started again.

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