This clip has been all of the internet this week, but if you haven't seen it yet, please watch. Men read actual comments/tweets (not written by them) to women sports writers. The comments are real, and it illustrates what these writers have to face each day. It's easy to say "ignore the trolls" but these are real people, and the comments are just terrible.
Everyone loves Drake, right? Well, I do. And his new album drops today. I don't typically buy albums, but I am still excited to hear the new songs and see all of the hype around it. #viewsfromthe6
We made one of our favourite breakfast foods this week, our granola recipe. It's so tasty, especially with the balkan style yoghurt.
I love being downtown, especially at night. This is my attempt at a picture of the CN Tower. It never looks as good as it does in person, but still a favourite!
That video is horrendous! Internet trolls are another species. On a lighter note, you're right. THe CN Tower never looks as nice in pictures.