E had his soccer photos this week. Despite the serious face, he did have a great game. They actually lost but it was their best game so far this season. E was goalie in the second half and didn't let any goals in.
I took the boys to the school STEAM night on Thursday. STEAM is Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. It's really just the science fair for the older grades, but they introduced some arts exhibits as well. Here they were checking out how blood is pumped all over the body.
Then we went to Queen Margherita for supper. E didn't stop talking while I was trying to take his picture, so this is the best I got.
Rather than getting my own pizza, I decided to just get the grilled kale salad (so delicious!!) and just eat a couple pieces of Q's pizza. It worked out well and we didn't have any leftovers.
I attended a course this week for Construction Contract Management at the Osgoode Professional Development Centre. It was a really great course and I was very impressed with the calibre of the speakers and materials. Now to implement my new knowledge at work!
We are in the last stretch of school, I don't know where June went! I wrote about E's year in Grade 2 in yesterday's post here.
Yum! I remember that salad. I like the soccer photo. It's a small team. Good work as goalie, E!