Just a few quick photos from our weekend. First E wrapped up his week at golf camp. This time the session was in the morning so he got started around 9:30. He got a new hat this week too.
After camp Dave picked him and they went golfing at Centennial. They also hit a bucket of balls beforehand so E had a full golf day! For supper Q and I picked up some pizzas and wine from Queen Margherita Pizza. We have not been there since the pandemic began so it was a nice treat. Q was a little upset we weren't eating at the restaurant though.
We had a bonfire on Friday night and roasted a few marshmallows.
On Saturday we drove to Woodstock to meet with Dave's parents who took the kids for this week. We had a quick picnic lunch at a park.
Then Dave and I met up with our friend Vic and played a round of golf at Grey Silo in Waterloo. It was a beautiful day to be golfing.
On Sunday morning we went golfing again! This time we went to Trafalgar Golf and Country Club for another beautiful day.
We did a few errands our way home and then I had a nap :) We trimmed some of our tree branches and then settled in to watch the Raptors game. I made a big salad and then we had some cheese, meat and crackers.
Grey Silo was where our wedding reception was!!!