Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What's Up Wednesday

What we're eating this week...
Sunday - Salads and a cheese plate
Monday - Pancetta, pea and mint pasta
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday to Saturday - not sure yet, we will be in Sarnia Thursday to Saturday

What I'm reminiscing about...
As we get ready to go back to school (!) I am thinking about E's first day of school as it will be Q's first year this year. I can't imagine that E was that young when he started school but I know he was.  Q will have a great time and I think he will do well there. 

What I'm loving...
When we had our fish fries up at Manion Lake this summer, they made their french fries with this spice.  Interestingly I went to this steak house when I was in Chicago but didn't realize the spice was a big deal.  We bought some here and have been putting in our fries and it is a game changer.  We toss the raw potatoes in oil and the spice before we bake them, and then toss them in it again when we take them out of the oven.

What we've been up to...
Fighting the racoons.  We put in new sod (and watering system) in the front yard and since then the racoons come by every night and turn up some pieces.  We will win this war and it will be D-Day for them eventually (no actual racoons will be harmed).  We put down some chicken wire type fencing over the sod so hopefully that will help.

What I'm dreading...
I am dreading the next few months and whatever they may bring.  We are still living with so much uncertainty that it can be difficult at times.  The kids will be going back to school but what if there are Covid cases and they all get sent home?  Will I ever go back to the office full time?  I went into the office yesterday for a few a hours and it's so sad downtown. There is one food place open in my building (Basil Box and I got lunch there) and to be down in the food court with absolutely no one is depressing.  We have all of this infrastructure and it sits empty. 

What I'm working on...
The kids are away this week so I want to tidy up their rooms and closets.  We went through a lot of their toys the other day and got rid of a bunch of things.  It felt good to get rid of some things including little bits and pieces.

What I'm excited about...
I am excited about the kids going back to school, I really am.  Any worry I have is outweighed by them getting back to a routine, learning, seeing friends, speaking to people other than us, and (dare I say it?) packing lunches. I have always loved back to school time so even though this year will be quite different, I am carrying through with the excitement of this time of year. 
Masks, check! (but we still need more)

What I'm watching/reading...
We are watching Broadchurch and Mr. Robot, and the Raptors playoffs!

I am reading The Innocents by Michael Crummey.  I really like it but I have not found much time to ready lately.

What I'm listening to...
Taylor Swift's new album folklore.  I love this song in particular.

What I'm doing this weekend...
We will go down to Dave's parents' house to spend a few days with them and bring the kids home. We should be able to get to the beach and maybe out for a sail.

What I'm looking forward to next month...
School starting, welcoming fall and Q's 4th birthday. 

What else is new...
If you have not seen this flow chart and you're Canadian, I think you'll get a kick out of it.  It's very accurate.  Dave asked me why I was telling him the pool temperature was 82 degrees.  Please consult the chart!  Haha.

Linking up with Shay.


  1. Oh yes -- I LOVE that Canadian measurement chart because it's SO TRUE!!! I'm also excited about the kids getting to go back to school and wondering how long until things get back to "near normal." Your weekend sounds pretty dreamy -- enjoy the beach!

  2. Hard to believe Q will be starting school. But, yes, I guess E was that this happy. Nice masks. That chart is right! Ha! Ha! 😝

  3. Have fun at the beach and possibly sailing! I hope everything goes smoothly with the school year.

  4. haha re the canadian chart. sooo true..I'm with you re: going back to school. I'm usually sad a bit but not this year. I just ordered some masks off the site. I'm having such a hard time with finding good masks for my kiddos.
