Friday, October 23, 2020

Friday Favourites


We celebrated E's birthday on Wednesday with waffles, sushi, ice cream cake from Bake Sale, and some presents. 

FaceTime Happy Birthday from Nana and Papa.

Then some new videos games and video chat with his friend

Q had his four year old check up this week.  He was a pro getting his two shots.   He also insisted on taking the umbrella.

E and I went on a little walk on Tuesday to scope out a family photo setting that we are going to do this weekend.  We found a good one, we also saw a racoon with distemper, some dead fish, and the biggest bunch of burrs that got caught on E's foot.  Plus it was a successful "school" outing since he found a rock with a fossil that he could show his teacher.

I joined some gals for a run on Thursday morning.  It was dark, it was raining, but it felt so nice to be out(side) with people, share some stories, and also get moving.  After being a bit absent in the exercise department (due to being busy and then having a sore back), it was good to be moving.  Plus as the skies lightened up, we were treated to some lovely fall colours during our run, which in case you didn't know by now, are my favourites!!

Q brought home about 50 pages of construction paper on Thursday, all scribbled on, folded and stuffed in his backpack. I feel like I owe the teacher a gift card to Staples to replenish her construction paper collection!  Then he laid them all out on the floor while I was making dinner.

E had another art class this week.  I would recommend this program if you live in Toronto, Art in Action.  She used to go into the schools for lunchtime programs, but now of course is offering a virtual class.  It's very well done.

Happy Friday! Hope you get up to something fun this weekend :)

Linking up with Andrea for Friday Favourites. 


  1. Very nice Birthday, indeed! Q is quite cute under the umbrella! There are a several nice back drops by the river for your photo. Were you using your camera? The scene of the river (after the under the bridge photo) reminds me of a Turner painting...lovely soft greens and greys.

  2. I love the bridge backdrop and several other of your scouting spots. His birthday cake looks delicious.

  3. Just found your blog from the Momfessionals blog link's so nice to see a fellow Canadian blogger on the link up! My daughter loves to draw and paint, I'll be looking into this program for sure! Thanks!

  4. There are so many raccoons with distemper in my neck of the woods too (Toronto downtown west end). We had a huge one up on our porch a few weeks ago and I called the city and waited with it while the city workers were on their way. Thank you for the art class recommendation - will look into it!

    1. We had a raccoon on our porch a couple of years ago. He clearly came to die since he barely moved when the City showed up.

  5. That stack of burrs is amazing!!! Exercise has fallen way off my radar this fall and I miss it.
