Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday!

Another Covid related experience to share with you.  I shared about our first Covid test here and yesterday E had to go get another one.  There were two positive cases at his school and one of those kids is in E's cohort (meaning not the same class but they play at the same recess).  That meant all of the cohort kids had to go home as of Tuesday.  We still haven't gotten the official word about when he can return, but the rumour is that they can go back on the 23rd and that they also needed a Covid test.  Ontario recently changed the testing procedures so that an appointment was necessary.  Luckily I was able to book an appointment for him on Tuesday night for Thursday morning at St. Joseph's Hospital (new appointment spots for St. Joe's open up at 7pm each night).  We booked for 8:00 and were there early.  We were the second people in line and then the first to get tested and we were walking out the door at 8:18. This test was a bit rougher than the first one we had.  Before it was a simple swab up the nose, very quick.  This nurse put the swab up and then turned it around and around for about 5 seconds (or more, it seemed like forever) and I had to hold E's head still.  I have heard that results are returned pretty quickly now so hopefully that is true and we don't have to wait four days like last time.  Not that it really matters since the instructions for E are still to isolate at home until he goes back to school.  Q has not had to stay home this week since he is also asymptomatic and was not in contact with a positive case (just in contact with E who was possibly in contact with a positive case, so it's like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, hah).  

E's teacher has been fabulous.  She set up an online teaching schedule starting at 9:00 with a Google Meet for the whole class, followed by an assignment to work on, a check in with a smaller group and another assignment.  And two more live sessions in the afternoon with more assignments to work on.  E has been very engaged and he's stayed busy all day.  He also gets to watch TV at lunch and play video games if he's done his work, so he's happy about that too. 

Getting some fresh air at recess. Can't go too far since he's in isolation.

Ready for science.

We were Amazing Race fans for many years but then we got out of watching it for the past few seasons (and caught up with Amazing Race Canada instead) but we are back for this season.  We like having a show to watch with E as a treat for him (and us) after Q goes to bed. It's still as fun as I remember as I audibly cheer on the teams,

I wrote about how we do Pizza Night yesterday. Try it out for yourself tonight :)

It's that time of year when I start thinking about our Christmas card photo.  We usually just set up our tripod and take a photo ourselves.  If I can get my act together (and that's a big if), I'm going to try and get it done this weekend so I can use the 50% deal from Shutterfly.  But that means picking out our outfits and talking the family into it. 
This is our card from last year.

Enjoy your fall weekend, there are only a few left before the colourful leaves are gone.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. Oh dear! Too bad for E...that test experience is not fun. Glad that he's still getting lessons from the school. He looks quite studious there at the computer! Good luck with picture taking for your card this weekend. I think I'll try E's pizza tonight. Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Oh boy; I feel so bad for you that you have had to have another test already! At least they aren't feeling sick.

  3. I'm so sorry you're in Covid testing and isolation with E right now. That just sucks. Thankfully Q can still head off to school. We finally got haircuts scheduled for November 3 so I'm hoping to get our pictures done that weekend. We shall see if the weather holds...
