Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday Favourites

That seemed like a long week, anyone else?  We are looking forward to our long weekend for Thanksgiving.  

I love seeing all of the Halloween decorations that people put out in their yards.  Some houses go all out! We decorated the inside of our house today and Q was pretty excited about it (plus a couple of ghosts and a skeleton outside), but then he thought it meant Halloween was the next day and he was disappointed he didn't get to wear his costume yet. 

These are E's paintings from his painting class two years ago. Remembrance Day poppies and a Day of the Dead skull

Another piece of E's art from school.  I told Q he has to bring something home this year to add.

I took a walk down by the river at lunch the other day and this scene was so lovely.  I was also listening to our church service from last Sunday since I missed the live stream.  One of the topics of the service was being good stewards so the walk in nature was fitting. 

And I couldn't resist taking a photo of our neighbour's mums.

Sunday was World Wide Communion Sunday (unlike some denominations, the United Church only has communion a few times a year). Our church put together an at home guide so people could partake in communion on their own, so I prepared some bread and wine and after I got home.  A bit more generous than what we do at church.

We watched the VP debate this week and like many women appreciated Senator Harris's use of "I'm speaking".  We've all been there, but not always felt like we could assert ourselves like she did.  I was getting ready to turn it off when the fly showed up so that kept me to the end.  What a gem.

If you're looking for some pumpkin recipes for this weekend, let me recommend these two: 

A standard Canadian can of pure pumpkin will do for the pasta and two loaves of pumpkin bread.  You're welcome :)

If you like Day in the Life posts, click over to my Wednesday Post when I documented our day on Monday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. I like your decorations. The paintings are nice and your cards. What a lovely spot for a walk. Pretty mums that you can enjoy, too! Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁🦃🌻💛

  2. You have some really cute decorations. Your neighbor's mums are amazing. I try so hard to keep just one or two alive for the fall and don't usually do that well with them.

  3. Our denomination also only does communion a few times a year as well. We've been taking a break from church so far this fall as we get through the busy holidays at synagogue as well as balancing dance and ball. We are participating in our mid-week program though so we're not completely disconnected.

    I really like all your kids' artwork. It makes me want to do a Day of the Dead picture with my kids because E's is so cool!
