Monday, December 5, 2022

Christmas Prep

What is on your Christmas to-do list?  And how are you doing with that?  I'm someone who likes to plan as much as possible and avoid that feeling of scrambling.  I try to balance between getting all of the things done because they are tradition and I like them and not worrying if something has to slide.  I find so many of us feel like we need to do the same things every year and if you miss one of them then somehow Christmas will be ruined.  But you know what? We will welcome Jesus on Christmas morning regardless of how many cookies we baked, whether we got the most perfect gifts, or got out to every single event.  I know it is hard particularly when you have kids. We think about making the most perfect season but I don't think kids will remember every single thing you did every single year, rather it will be a general feeling about Christmas with only some of the things sticking out in memory, and those things probably won't be the same ones you've planned down to the last detail.  Our minister said something sort of related to this yesterday, sometimes you need to trim something back for new growth.  So if you let something go, a new tradition could be born. 

I'm not saying don't enjoy it all and fit in what you want, but try to give yourself a break if there are some things that you need to let go.  Your kids and family will feel the love anyway. 

Anyway, here is how my list is going:

General Prep (getting gifts together not listed, that's a separate list):

Get a tree

Decorate House

Outside decorations

Design cards

Send out cards

Gift wrapping station

Wrap Gifts

Stocking Stuffers 

Mail out gifts

Visit Santa

Write letter to Santa

Get advent calendar stuff

Order Turkey 

Pick up Lobster

Pick up Oysters

Make Donations

Make gravy

Plan meals for Christmas week

Make Bread Pudding

Make Christmas Dessert

Cookies for Garbage Collectors and Mail Carrier

Christmas Party Prep (for this coming Saturday):

Order wine glasses

Invite neighbours, Facebook, work colleagues 

Decorate for Christmas (tree, lights, other decorations, etc.)

Buy Alcohol (Jamesons, Scotch, Rum, Wine, Beer)

Make cookies

Make other food

Bulk Barn

M&M Meats


Pick up glasses (Friday)

Make Ice (all week)

Clean the house

There is also a separate list for what to do the day of the party, but it's exhausting to read so I won't list it here.


  1. You've inspired me to make a list! I kind of feel overwhelmed right now, and I'm sure a list will help me see I've already accomplished a few things. I love crossing things off a list! For once, I had cards ordered before Thanksgiving...but that didn't help me get them sent out any quicker. *sigh*

  2. I haven't done a list this year because I'm scared of all the things that I haven't done!! I'm scrambling so bad!! So it was really lovely to read your post and I will definitely be letting a lot of things go this year.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes! I'm a sucker for a good tradition and I have to admit that I am a bit sad when that tradition is broken. However, I am finding out more than ever that it's okay if every single tradition is not kept - it's all about Jesus and that's where my focus needs to be.

  4. Yes, yes, and yes! I'm a sucker for a good tradition and I have to admit that I am a bit sad when that tradition is broken. However, I am finding out more than ever that it's okay if every single tradition is not kept - it's all about Jesus and that's where my focus needs to be.
