Thursday, June 15, 2023

Prayers on Thursday

The last couple of weeks have seemed a bit heavier than usual so I thought it was time for a quick post for some Prayers on Thursday.  You can add your own in the comments if you wish.


Our good health
Fresh air 
Sunny days on the golf course
A safe school
Friends and neighbours

Petitions (prayers for specific people)

People who are living with health issues
People who have had their cancer come back
People who are in remission from cancer
People that lost their home to fire
People who have recently lost a loved one
People who are changing jobs/homes

Intercessions (prayers for the wider world)

People celebrating Pride
People who don't understand why we need to celebrate Pride
Forest firefighters
People being displaced by wildfires 
Teachers and school staff finishing up the year

Lord, hear our prayer.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, thank you for sharing. I join in praying with you for all those things.

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess
