Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday Favourites


Happy Friday! I'm in Southern Florida this weekend, first South Beach and then the Keys :) A nice little sunny trip before winter. 

On Monday I spent some time at the library.  It was like I was back in university.  I had dropped the kids off at tutoring and then had an hour before needing to pick them up so I set up at the library to do a bit of work. 

I may yell at the kids a lot, but there are moments when things come together.  On Monday I asked them to do the dishes while I got supper ready.  They did a great job!

Q had soccer practice this week (or "training" if you want to be accurate).  This fall league is great because it is two nights a week and they actually get some instruction on one night, with the other being a game.

Dave has been in Vegas for work this week. He had sent some photos and E asked if Vegas was a theme park.  In some ways it totally is.

If you're joining me via the Friday Favourites link up and you love Disney, check out my recaps of our recent trip here (for my regular followers, I'll stop talking about it now):

Join our link up on Monday when we talk about Comfort Foods.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. Ha! Yep, in some ways Vegas is just like a theme park. I am always up to any Disney talk. In fact I've been trying to plan the seed of idea in my husband's head for us to go again-- just the two of us!

  2. Vegas sounds fun. It's on our bucket list of places we want to go and visit!

  3. E's comment about Vegas is accurate. haha
    I hope you are having a great time! I've always wanted to go to the keys.

    1. I totally thought of you when we arrived at our Keys hotel! You would love it here!!
      Sarah (not anon, can’t even comment on my own blog!!)
