Monday, November 13, 2023

Not Just a Mom - Comfort Food

Hi! Welcome to our monthly link-up, Not Just a Mom.  My co-hosts are AdrienneDaraJenJoanne, and Lauren.

Today we are talking about our comfort foods.  To start there are a couple of things I like to eat when I'm not feeling well, either because I'm sick or just feeling depleted (mentally and physically).

Popcorn and Tea - This is linked to a memory of Peru.  After our second day of hiking the Inca Trail, it was rainy and cold. I was huddled in our tent trying to get warm, but then I made my way to the dining tent and the porters had prepared popcorn (with cookies mixed in the same bowl) and tea.  I had that and played cards with our fellow trekkers, and felt so much better!  It still works today.

Bagel and Cream Cheese - Also inspired by a specific event.  When I went to Cuba in university, I was so dehydrated after arriving home, a bagel and cream cheese from the airport Tim Hortons had never been so welcome.  It always feels substantial enough to make me feel better.

Fountain Pop - You know when you've been on the go and maybe feeling a little hungover (or nauseous due to a theme park ride)? A fountain Diet Coke always hits the spot. It has to be fountain pop though, canned or bottled pop is not the same.

And then there are those comfort meals that taste so good when it's darker and colder outside.

Garlic Bread - In my opinion, any meal is complete with a side of garlic bread but especially those hearty pasta meals like lasagna, spaghetti, or...

Sausage Carbonara Pasta - A Jamie Oliver recipe for this one that I love so much I can't even order this dish when I go out to a restaurant. 

French Onion Soup - I usually make this once or twice a year as it is a lot of work, but oh so worth it.

Pasta Fagioli - I make Stanley Tucci's recipe from his book "Taste".  This is such a winter comfort meal, and everyone gobbles it up.

Thank you for joining us today.

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  1. Now I want to re-write my post. I forgot to add things like what you wrote about. For me, it would be canned peaches and Coke from a can (although I know what you mean about the fountain drink Coke).

  2. I love that some of your comfort food is connecting to memories.

  3. Popcorn and tea is an interesting combination but I imagine it is so nice on a cold day.
    You are so right! Garlic bread goes so well with just about every meal and any pasta dish is such a good comfort food.

  4. What a great memory from Peru! I’ll have to try popcorn and cookies. The pasta fagioli looks delicious.

  5. That's so funny about a fountain soda-- I have a girlfriend who swears by it when she's had a little too much to drink the night before!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  6. I love that you have specific memories with certain foods. Yes! to fountain soda...nothing better than a fountain diet coke. haha
