Part of the fun of going away is shopping! Especially when you get to visit Nordstorm and Target (still bitter these brands couldn't make it in Canada!). It's also fun to go to Sephora with friends to share your recommendations. A few of the things I purchased:
Summer Friday lip gloss. I have the face cream and when I saw this in line, I picked up the gloss too. Both products are great.
If you like travel recaps, check out my posts on South Beach and Florida Keys. What a nice little trip.
One of my favourite books I read this year was Demon Copperhead. The author, Barbara Kingsolver, was on the Armchair Expert podcast recently and I just got to listen to the interview. It was such a privilege to hear her speak about reading, writing, and this book in particular.
You got so many lovely things. I love the sequins top, this will be perfect for this time of the year! We don't have Nordstrom either.But we do have Target wth a very limited variety of products, Target in Australia is nothing compared to Target in the U.S.