Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Favourites

We are flying through February, it's the last Friday of the month!

We had some friends over for supper midweek.  The kids enjoyed their burgers and fries at the counter.  We are going to Mt. Tremblant for March Break with this family (and others) for March Break so we chatted about plans for that trip.

I took E to swimming this week and snapped a photo while we were waiting.  He said "you can't take pictures at the pool!" But I said it was okay since he was the only one in it.

Dave returned from his golf trip he was on last week.  He had a great time with some old friends.

On Wednesday I shared photos of our new living room.

I finally finished Derry Girls.  I loved it.  The characters are so funny with amazing Derry accents and sayings (that I sometimes need subtitles to understand) and it has music from the '90s sprinkled throughout (who doesn't love Dreams by The Cranberries), and is quite touching at times as it relates to the Troubles. I'll be watching this again.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika


  1. I'm going to put Derry Girls on my watchlist! Have a good weekend!

  2. I'll have to check out Derry Girls; I hadn't heard of that one! Hope you have a fabulous March break trip.

  3. It looks like the kids had a lovely meal with their friends and your living room looks great!
    Ahh! I loved Derry Girls. It is such a fun show.

  4. My dad loved Derry Girls. I'd forgotten about it. I'm going to go read about your living room look stunning!
