Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Favourites


Q worked on his Valentine cards this week.  He has always loved to write the cards out and this was the case this time. His teacher hadn't even sent out the list of student names but he just wrote them all out.  (I am amazed by this because it is the complete opposite of his brother.)

On Wednesday I posted about our new ensuite bathroom. We are so pleased with the results.

I did a 45 minute full body workout with Jess Sims.  The playlist was amazing, first of all, but she tricked us with the weight selection.  Oh, just get 10 lbs and 15 lbs.  But it was a lot harder than I was led to believe. But it was a great workout to finish out my Wednesday.

The pizza at King Taps is so delicious!

I printed some Valentine printables from Andrea and Q and I (well mostly me) coloured them in.

Please join our link up on Monday with the topic - How you met your significant other or best friend.

Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. Thats so sweet how Q loves to write his cards. The 45 minute workout sounded tough! I bet it felt great afterwards. The thick crust on the pizza looks amazing, I can almost hear the crunch!

  2. I'm pretty sure there is no way my kids would have written out Valentines for the whole class without some sort of threat. LOL

  3. Aww! How cute that your boy wrote out his Valentine's Day cards.
    Your bathroom looks gorgeous! I would love ours to look like that.
