Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Favourites


Happy Friday!
I borrowed these photos from my mom who went to see the cherry blossoms in High Park while she was here this week.  I didn't have time to go this year and they will be off-peak bloom by the weekend.  They are so pretty!

Cute Q!

We went out for dinner at our favourite local spot - Queen Margherita Pizza.

It's playoff hockey time! Go Leafs! Hoping for a win on Saturday.

Dave is wrapping up his week of golf in Scotland. They had a nice blue sky day on Wednesday. 

Tim Hortons sometimes get a bad wrap, but more often than not it provides exactly what I'm looking for.  On Thursday I brought a lentil salad for my lunch, but I wanted something else to go with it.  The savoury pinwheel fit the bill.  (And then I also got a coffee and a donut!).

E kicked off his baseball season with a clinic on Thursday evening. He looked good out there!

Last week I posted about my favourite Canadian TV shows and at the top of the list was Mr. Dressup.  This week I finally watched the Mr. Dressup documentary on Prime.  It was so nice to see the old footage of the show and hear from other Canadians who loved it as much as I did.  You'll want to grab a few Kleenex if you watch.

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. The cherry blossom is so pretty but it's not fair that it's around for such a short time.
    That pizza place looks like a great place to eat!

  2. Those trees are so lovely! I love flowering trees but wish the blooms lasted just a bit longer. Scotland looks beautiful.

  3. The cherry blossoms look so beautiful! I think your Tim Horton's lunch sounds perfect. We don't have that over here and I always love hearing about all the food places overseas. Good luck Leafs, I hope they score a big win! Have a great weekend xx
