Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Weekend Recap

 On Friday Dave left for Scotland and my mom arrived.  We ordered pizza and had an early evening.

On Saturday Quinn had his first ball hockey game of the weekend.  It was not very spring like!

Ready for a new season!

He volunteered to be goalie.  Although they did not win, he had a number of good saves.

Meanwhile we tried to keep warm.

And even some white stuff fell from the sky

We had plans to go over and see the cherry blossoms while we were at High Park but it was so cold we just went home.  I even got the electric blanket out!  We rested a bit on the couch before I had to take E to a birthday party and then I got some groceries. 

Then I took Q over to a friend's house because my mom and I had tickets to see Nathanial Ratliff at Roy Thomson Hall. He was performing Leonard Cohen music.  

We grabbed dinner at The Library Bar at the Royal York Hotel.

As usual their lobby was looking good for the season.

It was a great show and a real treat to hear the entire symphony. 

On Sunday morning we went to church.

In the afternoon E went golfing with his friends, and Mom and Q and I did some errands and I did some cleaning. 

We made jerk chicken, beans and rick, and patties for supper. I love this meal!

Earlier in the day Q and Mom had made brownies and decorated them for Earth Day.  We enjoyed those with ice cream after supper.

These are the sheep the boys had made at Sunday school earlier. 

Meanwhile, Dave was enjoying some golf in St. Andrews.


  1. What a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your Mom’s visit! ~Kim

  2. What a wonderful visit from your mum! I think we are holding on to the warm weather over here and we need to send some your way. It looks freezing!
