Here is the second part of our Christmas holiday (see Part 1 here). On Boxing Day we headed the airport to fly to Nova Scotia.
Hanging out in the Porter lounge.
Apple pie and cheesecake because why have one dessert when you could have two!
The next morning we hung out while the snow fell. Then we went for a walk to the schoolyard for a snowball fight.
After another delicious meal we went to a party in Cole Harbour (where Dave grew up). Halifax does not have Uber, by the way, this was was very disappointing. It was nice to see some old friends.
The next morning we got in the car and drove to my hometown for a few days. That afternoon we went for a walk by the Roseway River.
We were spoiled and had lobster again (this time the lobster had to travel a lot less distance than the ones we had on the 23rd).
The next day it snowed again. My neighbour, and friend from growing up, was home with her husband and daughters, and so was her brother and his family. The kids went sledding down their hill where we used to play.
Shovelling with Papa John
We went back to Halifax the next day to catch our flight back to Toronto. It was a short visit but great. We were happy to see so many friends and family and to enjoy some snow!
What joy! Family, friends, snow fun and lots of love and good times! Loved it!