Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Favourites

Linking up with AndreaErika and Narci for Friday Favourites.

We plowed through the series of Making a Murderer between Dec 30 and January 5.  I am still slightly obsessed with it. On Wednesday I posted a few differences between the Canadian justice system and the US system (particularly with Wisconsin).  Check it out, there are no spoilers.

On Tuesday evening we celebrated our first real snowfall with sledding after supper.  Usually we are rushing home after school/work to make supper and then we play briefly before E heads to bed but on Tuesday supper was ready when we got home (thank you slow cooker) and we took advantage of the extra time to walk down the street to the park to sled on the hill.  It was great to be outside for some fresh air and to tire us out. 

This kid loves being outside!!

 I made it past the garbage cans on one of my runs down the hill :)

Sometimes we all play Star Wars with swords (or empty wrapping paper rolls) but I'm not always that into lightsaber fighting so the other day I suggested that I accompany the saber-play with some piano music so I found some sample sheet music and played that instead.  

I have been re-listening to Season 1 of Serial and found these memes that I enjoy.

This week my hometown lost one of its members, a little girl, which makes it all the more sad.  One thing that I have taken from this is that our little town really bands together when something bad happens; so many people have sent messages of support to the family and shared their memories.  That is a really special thing and I am proud to come from such a place.  The family has requested that you "pay it forward" in favour of little Carmen.  Even if you don't know her, say a prayer, and then think of all of the little ones who have fought hard and how you can fight for someone else.

Take care everyone, happy Friday.


  1. What a delight to see E's gleeful face out sledding! Thanks for that photo. It is wonderful that you take the time to play together outdoors and inside. Really like that you played the Star Wars music for their battle. What fun!

  2. I think I am the only person left in the world that is not watching Making a Murderer. I might have to indulge with my husband this weekend.
