Our basement is under construction so I haven't wanted to work out in the dust.
It is too cold to run outside.
It is too dark and cold in the morning to get out of bed before I have to.
I'm waiting for the yoga studio to open by my house.
To that, my reasonable self replies:
I can workout in the living room, and I've asked Dave to set up his bike so I can watch TV while exercising.
It's not always too cold, Dave does it all the time.
I can also work out in the evenings.
The yoga studio will open soon, but even when it does, that won't be the only workout solution so I still need to get into the habit of doing other things.
Too bad.
I will also start small, so I'm going to plan week by week and changing it up each day.
Today - Evening - Dave can take E to swimming and I can come home early. Supper will be ready in the slow cooker so I will have at least 45 minutes to work out before they get home.
Thursday - Morning - Bike - Workout with weights and kettle bell
Friday - Evening - Countdown Workout
Saturday - Morning - Skiing
Sunday - Afternoon - Skating or run outside
Monday - Evening - Bike while watching The Bachelor
Tuesday - Morning - A workout from my Women's Health magazine that I got in my stocking.
Now to put these in calendar so I can keep these appointments with myself.
Sounds like a great plan! Lots of variety! And setting it up as an appointment with yourself is smart. Have fun with it.