Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Weekend Recap

 The last weekend of the summer was a good one with lots of outdoor time.  Although E has one more week at home, Q is going to a day camp this week, so it's like summer is over.

I was up early on Friday morning for a livestream workout.  Q also got up early so he came down and did a few burpees with me.

At lunch I took him to get a haircut and then we had a quick stop at the playground. 

Pizza night!

On Saturday morning we were off to the Toronto Zoo.  We pre-booked our entry time (9:15) and bought our tickets online.  It was the perfect time for us and the zoo was not very crowded while we were there. 

Masks on in the pavilions (and also near some animals that are able to contract Covid, like the big cats).

Our little monkeys.

It was a beautiful sunny day and not too hot.

Giraffes, including a baby one.

Into it

I love the Mayan temple but we weren't allowed to walk up under the waterfall this time.

Sleepy Polar Bear. They are so close!

Photo shoot with E and Komodo Dragon

We ate our packed lunch after between the Canadian Domain and Tundra Trek, and were pretty much done around 12:30. But we realized we had missed the gorillas so we needed to backtrack a bit to see them. The kids also asked to go on the carousel, so they did that first. 

There was also a Dairy Queen though so we needed some ice cream too.

We could tell the zoo was getting busy during this backtrack to see the gorillas and get ice cream and I was glad we were leaving. 

When we got home, we watched a bit of TV and rested, made some turkey burgers, and watched the Raptors game.

On Sunday morning Dave took his bike out for a ride. His bike has been cooped up in the basement on the trainer where he does Pelaton rides, but he wanted to get it out on the closed #ActiveTO roads before the end of the summer. 

Then I went for a run.

I made it back in time to log onto the live stream of our church service.  It was the first Sunday where people could attend in person but I didn't want to go back yet.  I watched on the laptop with my AirPods, in my running clothes, with the kids sprawled out behind me.

After I turned off our devices the kids made a fort/bed in the living room and then Dave and I tidied up outside.

We went out for dinner on a patio and took the kids. They were happy to be back in a restaurant.

When we got back we watched Mulan.  I thought it was really good, although I don't remember watching the original cartoon version so I didn't have anything to compare it to.

Monday was a kind of grey but we still wanted to get outside. I took the kids for a walk in High Park and we went around the southwest side of the park, where we don't usually go, and then through the zoo to get back to our car.

Climbed the stairs - there are 86 by the way.

Then E and I went golfing.  First we hit a half bucket of balls and then played 9 holes. 

Meanwhile Q and Dave hung out with the neighbours for a bike/walk and Q got in a game of ping pong with C.

Finished off the night the Raptors (yikes!) and then some TV.


  1. What great photos! I'm still smiling...could look at them all day! The zoo has some different photo opportunities and the boys took advantage of them. Glad you got golfing with E. Nice set up using your patio table for ping-pong. Q is in his stance ready to return the shot! So good!

  2. The Raptors game was not a good way to end the weekend. The Blue Jays game on the other hand...
