Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday! Another winter weekend is in the cards for us, however with warmer temperatures than last weekend.  

As many of you know I am a faithful listener to Peter Mansbridge’s podcast “The Bridge”.  This month he has been asking his listeners to write in with an answer to a question.  For the first few weeks the question required a bit of thinking but this week it was an easy one: “What is your favourite part about winter in Canada?” I decided to write in and he read my letter! (It was at about the 13:00 mark.) There were so many good letters and I would recommend listening. 

This is what my letter said:

Q dutifully studied for his geography test this week.  He said he did okay so we’ll see!

I had E make the salad dressing for our meal on Monday.  We make @earthyandy ‘s OG dressing and it was a good one for him to start with.  Instead of Dijon we used some special Kozlik’s Mustard, the fig and balsamic and it was a good substitution. 

I sometimes wonder if I derive benefit from social media, particularly Twitter, but then I come across shares like the one below, and I can still see where it’s not so bad.  This came at a good time when I read it on Thursday morning, I had been sitting in my chair for a couple of hours without moving, tsk tsk!

A friend of ours is going to Jamaica next week and they are staying at the resort we went to in 2017.  I found this cute picture of the boys, how little they were!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika.


  1. How exciting to have your letter read on the podcast. I’m going to find the podcast and listen. Good luck to Q on his geography results. His cute face has an A+ written all over it!

  2. That is a fantastic favourite about winter. I like doing the same, being outside and then coming in and feeling good about being out in the cold for so long.
    Well done to Q for the studying, I hope he gets a good result.
    Sometimes I see those checklists on social media which remind me that I need to eat, drink and move more. Eek!

  3. Aw, that throwback photo is the cutest! I love that self-care checklist.
