Monday, January 11, 2016

Memes on Monday

 Further to my post last week that was an introduction me me, I wanted to share a few memes that describe me fairly accurately, can anyone else relate to these?

I really do feel like this, and I think of this meme every time I lock my car while walking away.

This is what I do.

I talk about the forthcoming zombie apocalypse probably more than I should. I have a few plans in place but maybe need to think of more.  

This is especially true when I am in the last 20 pages or so of a book.  I actually yelled at Dave the other day "Could you just shut up!?!?" Not very nice I know, but I had told him I was finishing my book and had moved into the other room; I was clearly not in a place to chat. 


Not always but if there is free food in front of me, then definitely. 

I am forever looking down and wondering who ate my last cookie.

E is following in my footsteps as he often says he is hungry on his way to school after he has eaten a full breakfast.  Fortunately his before school program has a snack before class starts. 

Good stuff. 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to missing that late bite...I would have savoured it more , if I had been paying attention. And though not wanting a second breakfast I do wonder what other women are afraid of when they avoid carbs...I enjoy carbs, no problem!
