Monday, March 28, 2016

Let's Talk - March

Linking up for another instalment of Let's Talk.  Today's topic is Moms.  

I am very lucky have a wonderful mother, who had her own wonderful mother, my Nana.  Because of these two women, I had no fears about becoming a mother myself.  I knew being a mother wouldn't be easy, and that I'd probably make a few mistakes along the way, but since I had such good examples of my own, I knew that overall I would be a good mother because I didn't know any other way.

I shared some photos of my Mom and Nana last Mother's Day.  Here is a link to that post. 

As a mother myself, I always joked that I would probably be the mean one and Dave would be the fun one.  I like rules and good behaviour and Dave is more likely to be silly.  Now the joke is "Wait, if Dave is the mean one (meaning more strict) and the fun one, so then what the heck am I doing?!"  To which Dave replies, "I don't know".  But really, sometimes I am "nicer" and sometimes I have little to no patience for silliness.  Thankfully Dave and I seem to even each other out on most days and E is a happy and well behaved kid.  It is definitely interesting being a "boy mom" since I never quite know what to do when we are playing with cars or trains.  I do like to build things with Lego so as E gets older and more into Lego, I can definitely play that with him.

1 comment:

  1. You certainly are a super wonderful mother, Sarah! Glad you know that and E is the proof you and Dave are great parents. Love all the photos! Especially where E is touching you for the one where you are making a pie together.
