Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's up Wednesday

It's another instalment of What's Up Wednesday!

What we're eating this week...
Sunday - Easter Dinner (ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes)

Monday - Lamb Kebabs
Tuesday - Penne with asparagus, snow peas, shrimp and feta
Wednesday - Pork Chops
Thursday - leftover Easter dinner
Friday - not sure yet

What I'm reminiscing about...
Seeing everyone go away for March Break had me remembering past trips we have taken.  Also my parents are going to Barcelona for a couple of days in a few weeks so I have been thinking about that trip too.
Mexico in June 2011

Barcelona in October 2015

What I'm loving...
The new collection from Stella and Dot. I was browsing their new items and liked so many things. 

What we've been up to...
Painting the basement.  We chose a grey colour for all of the walls (bedroom, bathroom and laundry area/landing) and white for the ceiling of course.  The basement is surprisingly bright and so a light colour should still look okay.  We need to pick out tile for the bathroom and for the floors.  It is a work in progress, but Dave is keeping everything on track and it will be done before too long, and it will be so nice when it is finished.

What I'm dreading...
We are actually supposed to get some snow in the next couple of weeks, nothing major but I don't want to put my boots and coat back on.  I wanted to put everything away on the weekend, but the Weather Network actually had a note that said "Don't put away your winter things yet", so I haven't.

What I'm working on...
I had a huge transaction at work that closed on March 18, since that time I've been trying to catch up on all of other work that I had to ignore while working on that one file.

What I'm excited about...
Summer! I love summer so much and with the days getting longer, and the temperature warming up (slowly but surely), we are getting closer to my favourite time of year. 

What I'm watching/reading...
We finished House of Cards, so good! Now that we have finished that, we will try to catch up on Vinyl and then go back to The Wire.  We also watched the final Hunger Games movie.  I love those movies, I will have to try out the books sometime.

I am reading our next book club selection, Requiem by Frances Itani.  It's good so far. 

What I'm listening to...
I'm finishing up the Canada Reads podcast.  I wrote about this last week on Friday Favourites.  I'm also listening to the radio, including the newest Justin Beiber song that I love (I can't get enough), Company.

What I'm wearing...
Nothing too exciting, I'm tired of my winter clothes but it isn't quite warm enough for spring clothes yet.  

What I'm doing this weekend...
We are going to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon and then Dave has his big run on Sunday.  It is the 30K Hamilton Around the Bay race.  This will be the longest distance race he's ever done but he has run all winter and should do well.  Hopefully the weather will be somewhat nice for the runners.

What I'm looking forward to next month...
Birthday parties, wedding showers, the start of the Blue Jays' season, NBA playoffs (Go Raps!), and a work event where our firm is hosting lawyers from around the world.

(I know this is football, but I still love it)

What else is new...
As I said in a previous post, we finally got some new rugs for our house.  Here is the one in our bedroom. 

What is your favourite spring cleaning tip...
This isn't really for spring cleaning because I don't really have an organized spring cleaning schedule but something I find works well on the kitchen sink is baking powder.  I just sprinkle it around and let it sit for a couple of minutes and then wet it slightly and scrub it with the same scrubber we use for the dishes.  It shines up really nicely and you don't need to wear gloves or worry about heavy chemicals in the kitchen.


  1. Yes, I get the big box of baking soda now. It works well on bathroom sink and tub, too! Another cleaning agent I use is vinegar.

  2. I live in KW and we are sooooooo excited for the Jays' season to start. We're going to see them play a pre-season game in Montreal this weekend against the Red Sox. Go Blue Jays!!!
