He did not need a new backpack this year. He got a new one for Grade 1 and it is still in good shape. Here he is from last year with his backpack. I don't see this exact style anymore, but you can always find a good bag from Herschel.
I did pick up a few new lunch containers to replenish our stash. I'm hoping E will be a bit better this year and not losing them. Same lunch bag as last year too. I may pick up a few more things from Well.ca.
E doesn't need a lot of new clothes yet, but I did get some great deals at Abercrombie and J. Crew - two pairs of pants and three shirts. I'm sure we will need more pants at the weather starts cooling down.
E did do some good work on his reading this summer, although we didn't do as much as I would have liked. With long days being out in the sun, and playing two sports in the evening, it was hard to fit in some good reading time at the end of the day when everyone was tired. One of my friends who has a daughter in E's grade and an older son reminded me though that if they feel confident going into the school year, they will be better off. So I will remind E of the work we did over the summer and that he is ready for Grade 2!
Our first day of school plans have been the same for the past few years and I see no reason to change them - up bright and early, have a good healthy breakfast, take some photos, and walk to school. We also like to walk to pick E up from school in the afternoon so I we can hear all about his day without any distractions, and then we will have one of E's favourite meals for supper, usually macaroni and cheese.
So exciting! Getting new clothes (and supplies) for that first day is a happy memory for me! Cheers to E!
ReplyDeleteIm not ready for school yet— emotionally that is 😀