Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Let's Look - Date Night


Hi! I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for their Let's Look link up.  This month the topic is Date Night.  For the record, I do not care for the term Date Night (sorry everyone).  I am not dating my husband, we are married and going out somewhere, but I don't care for the term "date".  

Dave and I spend a fair amount of time together as it is, we watch TV together every night, we watch sports together on the weekends, we do lots of things as a family.  We don't deliberately plan nights out on our own, things tend to happen organically.  Certainly over the past couple of years, opportunities to go out at all, let alone without the kids, were few and far between. We do try to get out if our parents are in town, and we do get a babysitter when we need one, but we don't have a regular sitter.  Often in the summer, Dave's parents take the kids for a few days back to their place and we get to golf together, go out for dinner, and maybe grab a Blue Jays game.  Throughout the rest of the year, we will meet for lunch during the week while the kids are at school, meet friends for dinner, or attend a work event where spouses are invited.  We rarely go to the movies, it's usually dinner or a sporting event.  We have also been lucky to take some trips by ourselves - Lisbon and Barcelona and Hawaii.  We do love travelling with the kids too, but it is nice to have an adult only trip. 

I know that our kids will grow up soon enough and then we will be able to go out all of the time without any thought of a babysitter.  I know we didn't appreciate our time before kids, and we often wonder what we did with our time because we certainly weren't using it to its full potential. We do enjoy each other's company and there is no shortage of places to go in Toronto!

See my previous posts here:


  1. Dave and I don't go on a lot of dates either -- this past March being the rare exception!!!

  2. Yep, it is so much easier when the kids are older... weirdly so. LOL.
