Today I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for Let's Look. Today's topic is our evening routine.
Certainly during the summer and now extending into the fall, each evening is a bit different, depending on the activities scheduled. That said there are certain things that we do most evenings, even if the time or order of each thing isn't always the same.
Eat together. We eat together at the dining room table and we eat the same meal.
Tidying up. Dishes are done as the meal is being prepared and finished up immediately after supper. Ideally someone will also come back to put away the air-dried dishes before bed so no one has to do it in the morning. A spin around the floor with the Dyson usually happens as well.
Making lunch. For the past couple of years, I would make the kids' lunches in the morning. The practice that has been happening for all of (checks calendar) 1 week is for the boys to put together their lunches at night. I, on the other hand, am still gathering my own lunch in the morning, so I need to switch to the evening too.
Workout. My usual workout time is in the evening, before supper or later in the evening. One of our house rules is that working out gets priority over helping out.
Video Games/TV. The kids always get some screen time after supper. We don't allow it in the morning before school, and I've instituted a new rule of no screens between school and supper, so after supper is the only time of the day. We watch a couple of shows as a family, Amazing Race or Bake Off, so this would be the time to watch those as well.
Blogging. I am typically finishing up a blog post in the evenings.
Shower. If I need to wash my hair, I shower at night so I can let my hair airdry and save myself some time in the morning. This is also when we tell the boys to shower/bathe.
Bedtimes. Most of the time Q is in bed by 8:30 and E is in bed by 9:30. We will often read to Q, whereas E is more likely to be finishing up a video game, watching a show with Dave, or doing his own reading. Part of our routine is repeatedly telling E to go to bed, he is a procrastinator when it's bedtime.
TV. Dave and I always watch TV together before going to bed. We typically have a one hour type drama show we are watching and intersperse that with a lighter 30 minute show. This week we finished up Succession, and will move onto Dopesick, and started The Derry Girls to hit those two marks.
Bathroom Chores. I don't have a very comprehensive nighttime beauty routine. I take out my contacts, floss and brush my teeth, wash my face (if I haven't showered), and put some cream on my face. I have a mouth guard to wear so if it's getting grimy, I will soak it in Polident.
I always love reading about how others spend their days/evening. We try to eat together as much as possible too...and we always eat the same meal too...I'm lucky to get one dinner prepared haha. We all head to bed around the same it's nice to kind of "shut the house down" at the same time. There's nothing better than a clean kitchen after is closed. haha