Thursday, July 26, 2018

Friday Favourites (on Thursday)

I'm checking in with my Friday Favourites on a Thursday this week because we are on holidays starting tonight!

E enjoyed a golf camp this week.  With his Under Armour golf shirt and Nike clubs he looked ready for the Tour.  They spent each morning at the driving range and then the afternoons swimming and playing sports.  Next year we'd like to try a camp at a golf course so he can get a bit more instruction.  He's got a few friends in this camp and they have enjoyed their week together.

Q had a bit of an upset stomach this week with resulting diaper rash, so he was a little sooky and I had to leave him crying at the day care twice this week.  He would eventually perk up and have a good day, but they did send this photo of him spending some quiet time with his baby. So cute.

I met my friend Janna for dinner on Tuesday night.  We went to Hemingway's in Yorkville and sat on the covered patio during a huge thunderstorm.  It was Extreme Patio, Yorkville Edition.  I haven't gone to Hemingway's for awhile, it's simple, but reliable.  I forgot to take my own photo, but picture this with the roof closed and grey skies.

I got a kick out of the tweets for the hashtag #LittleKnownCanadianLaws.  Some were cliched and some were ignorant, but these two cracked me up.  I totally say both of these thing. 

In case you missed it, I blogged about E's cupcakes that he made on the weekend.  He's ready to be a contestant on Sugar Rush. 

I will be taking a blogging break while we are away, back with you on August 7! 
Follow along with our travels on my Instagram @smacto.

Linking up with AndreaErika, and Narci for Friday Favourites
and The Blended Blog for Friday Loves.