Thursday, March 4, 2021

To Do List

 I have a running list on my phone of things to do.  A few things on that list right now:

- Clean light fixtures (Admittedly this has been on my list since Christmas, I'll get to it someday!)

- Orthodontist Claim (For E, I need to run it through Dave's first and then mine.  Dave's insurance company has paid its share, but mine is dragging its feet.)

- Vacuum dryer vent (I ordered a long skinny vacuum attachment for this purpose and I still haven't tried it out.  It will also be good for our old radiators.)

- Make a pie  (My family has requested more pie, next up is lemon meringue.)

- Summer camps (I have two weeks booked for Q and E is registered for a two week sleep away camp, so hopefully that will happen!)

- Income Tax ('Tis the season. We have it all ready to submit but will spend another night reviewing it all to make sure we haven't missed anything.)

- Clean up for window installation (We are getting four new windows and a new door on Friday.  We did most of our windows a few years ago so these are the last ones.  We need to clear up the front closet and the guest room.)

- E hiking boots. (He doesn't have rubber boots and I don't want him hiking in his regular sneakers so I'm looking for something else he could wear instead.)

- Bulk Barn. (Done! I visited there today to get ingredients for our granola recipe and it is baking in the oven as I type this on Wednesday evening.)


  1. Nice tulips :) And we have to get our taxes done -- I'm impressed you're already at the "review" stage. We're at the "we're thinking about gathering all the things we need" stage. And our summer (mostly) came together yesterday in about half an hour so that was nice.

  2. I need to get signed up for summer camps too! Simon wants to do a graphic design camp!
