Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday Favourites

We had some warm weather this week (I guess this is Spring of Deception since we are supposed to get snow agin next weekend)...

...but I spotted some signs of spring.  Some white flowers poking up in our front garden on Monday.  I also saw a robin on Thursday morning, first of many I'm sure.

I wrote about our quick stop at the library on the weekend and the books we picked up have been favourites. 

On Wednesday morning the boys took it upon themselves to make smoothie bowls for everyone.  They put it together on their own and managed the blender too (I was working out downstairs and aware of what they were up to but knew they were fine, Dave was still sleeping).  Q got a photo of E as proof of their work.

They even got the perfect swirl.  And they cleaned everything up before I came back upstairs. 

So yummy!

We have been enjoying the curling at the Brier this week.  There are so many great teams this year, and lots of fun to watch.  I have a few favourites, but especially glad to see Wayne Middaugh curling so well (he's the ripe old age of 53, hah!).

Another highlight of this week has certainly been the fallout from the Meghan and Harry interview with Oprah.  I am fascinated by it all. I wrote about why I love the Royal Family here.  I feel like they have an opportunity here (one they did not take advantage of when they should have) and I do hope it turns out for the best.  

Yesterday I looked back over the past year of the pandemic. What a year it has been!

Linking up with Andrea and Erika


  1. What little sweeties! Taking the initiative and making a special breakfast! Kids are amazing... if you show they how and they can do it. The results look yummy! I'm enjoying seeing Wayne do well, too. And Johnny Mo. Lots of good curling. Enjoy the good springlike weather!

  2. That is so sweet that they made smoothie bowls for everyone! Have a great weekend!

  3. How wonderful that they made their own smoothies AND cleaned up after themselves! That's wonderful.

  4. I love that not only did your boys make the smoothies AND clean up but that they also took pictures for the blog!!! Hahaha!!!
