Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 - Year in Review

Looking back over to year to highlight some of the fun we had, despite having so many restrictions on our activities, travel, and socializing.  


The year started out normally and Dave and I got to travel to Hawaii.  What a trip!

We skied and Q improved in his lessons.

More skiing

And sledding

We did some ax throwing with our neighbours.

All four of us got up on the chairlift together! 

I went to a Raptors game and sat in a gondola box.


And then it was March. We did a couple of hikes

Tried to stay entertained with the kids at home.

Celebrated Dave's birthday


We put some encouraging messages on our sidewalk.

We did at home haircuts.

We put up some Easter eggs for our neighbours to find in our window.

We celebrated Easter at home.

Dave made a sandbox in the backyard

We enjoyed the warming weather.


Q started riding his bike more

We enjoyed our backyard

We rode our bikes on the Lakeshore.

We cut down two big trees in our backyard (sadly, but they were dead).


We celebrated my birthday

And Father's Day with a picnic in High Park

We finished up E's school year and celebrated with a photo (even though he was just at home).

We camped at Sandbanks with friends and cousins.


Dave's parents looked after the kids for a week so Dave and I went golfing.

We hit the driving range a few times. 

We spotted this hawk in our yard.

We headed out on our road trip to Northwestern Ontario.


E attended a couple of golf camps.

We golfed with Dave's dad.


We visited the Toronto Zoo.

We tried out our new fire pit.

The kids started school (full day in person!!).

Q, E and I were tested for Covid and then had to isolate until the results were back (four days).  This was when we got to leave the house!

We went mini-golfing

We celebrated Q's 4th Birthday


The kids started swimming lessons - only one each before they were cancelled, boo!

Walks along the Humber River.

Celebrated Thanksgiving by ourselves.

E was a close contact of a Covid positive case at school so he spent two weeks doing virtual learning.

We loved those fall colours, I am sure they were more vibrant this year!

We celebrated E's 9th Birthday.

We did some biking

Raked our leaves

We had Storm Trooper and Hulk for Halloween.


We went to pick up some new skis for the kids and got to ride the ski lift.

E started piano lessons.

We got our first snowfall.

We mailed letters to Santa.


We got ready for Christmas.

We had Christmas Market "at home" in our backyard.

Well who knows what 2021 will bring, my recap may look like more of the same, or maybe we will get to travel outside our province and see more family.


  1. Wow! That was a busy year in made it fun, despite the restrictions. And made some good memories for the family along the way. Looking forward to seeing you in 2021! Cheers to a Happy and healthy new year!

  2. What a way to make lemons out of lemonade... you made it fun, girl!! Cheers to the rest of 2020 and blessings for 2021.

  3. Love seeing all these pictures. What's crazy about this year is how so many of us did the same type of things! I'm jealous you went to Hawaii! We went for our honeymoon and I wanted to go back for our 20th anniversary, which was last week. But we went in summer '01, so maybe we still can go for 20 years later!?

  4. I loved seeing this recap of your year. Doesn't it feel like we were different people in January and February?!?!? I'm glad you guys were able to get your Hawaii trip in before everything shut down. May 2021 be the year we can travel again.
