Monday, December 14, 2020

Not Just a Mom - Special Holiday Traditions

This is the final instalment for this year's link up party "Not Just a Mom". At the end of this post, I will share something special coming up for next year! But keep reading for now.

The final topic is "Special Holiday Traditions". I've written already about our food traditions and also the things we can't do this year.  So for this post I will share some other little things we do around this time of year.  

In 2013 Dave and I went to New York City for a long weekend.  It was right before Christmas and we picked up a puzzle of Rockefeller Centre.  Each year we put it out and work on it.  The goal is to get it done by Christmas Eve, although it's usually not a problem to get it done.  

We try to watch all of our favourite Christmas movies as a family (after we have seen it once together, then it can be viewed again separately).  We like the old favourites like The Santa Clause (1 and 2, 3 is optional), Elf, Home Alone (1 and 2), White Christmas, etc. But we also like a few new ones like Christmas Chronicles and Klaus.  The new animated Grinch has already been watched about 5 or 6 times, it is Q's go to.  

Dave's sister made an advent calendar for us years ago.  It has pouches for candy that I get from Bulk Barn, and I've added advent books each slot as well so we can follow along with the Christmas story.

We also listen to all of the music.  We made a Christmas playlist on Spotify a few years ago and keep adding albums and new favourite holiday songs to it (it is about 13 hours long now!).  So we will play that in the house when we aren't watching TV.  We have two Google Home speakers now and can play it on both at the same time so the music is all throughout the house.  I also play carols on the piano when I have time.  And although there are no in person concerts this year, our church put together this concert for us to listen to at home.

On Christmas Eve, aside from our yummy spread of food, we also like to play games before the kids go to bed.  We have done a candy cane scavenger hunt, charades of Christmas words, and one where you hold a paper plate on top of your head and try to draw the scene that someone describes (i.e. draw a house outline, draw a star in the sky about the house, draw a tree).  Since you can't see what you're doing, it can be funny to see how they turn out.  Since we don't have to go out for church this year (it's online at 8:00 instead), then I may try to find a few more "Minute to Win It" type games. 

Now for my special news...I will be one of the hosts for next year's Not Just a Mom link up!  I'm the Canadian representative ;) If you have a blog, I invite you to join us.  If you don't have a blog, then just hop over to the other hosts and people that link up (you'll be able to see all of that at the bottom of my posts) and see what others have to say. 

Check out our graphic and the topics for next year.

Thanks everyone!


  1. Such great traditions! That puzzle is so fun! And that is exciting news! Looking forward to your next year's Not Just A Mom blog posts!

  2. That's so exciting that you will be one of the hosts next year! I'll try and remember to join in.

    I love that you do the same puzzle every year. That looks like a fun one. We're giving Rachel a Christmas puzzle this year so maybe we'll make putting it together a yearly tradition.

  3. We put a Christmas puzzle together each year but not the same one. We too try to watch all our family favorite holiday movies together and then anyone who wants to re-watch any can. I do have a few only I watch as the boys have no interest in the more romantic ones like The Holiday, Sleepless in Seattle, or While You Were Sleeping.

  4. Your traditions all sound so fun! I especially love that you do the same puzzle each year. I am so excited you'll be joining us for the link up next year!

  5. FUn traditions.... Love the puzzle tradition! I'm also doing some games this year with the kids haha. Got to switch it up. Yay for Canadian representation... Awesome topics! I'll join in when I can!

  6. I love the puzzle tradition. A personalized advent would be great, instead of the cheap chocolate my kids are eating. I am so excited for you to be linking up with us next year.
