Thursday, June 17, 2021

Prayers on Thursday

I am feeling like there are a lot of things swirling in my head to pray for so I wanted to organize it all here. 

This prayer list follows our church's (United Church of Canada) structure for Prayers of the People. First are prayers of Thanksgiving, where we give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives, then Petitions, which are prayers for specific people that we know need prayers, and finally Intercessions, which is a prayer for wider global concerns. 


Vaccine choices and availability 
Warm weather
My kids' teachers
Opportunities for summer camps and sports 
Our continued good health
Loving family that we will get to see soon
Friends that keep us smiling


People with anxiety who have found the pandemic particularly hard
People who have moved in the last year or are moving now
People in senior's homes 
People who are counting the days until the borders open


Indigenous People reliving the trauma of the residential "schools" as we find more bodies of children buried on these sites.  And I pray for those little souls, I hope they know they were loved by someone. 
Muslims in London, Ontario, but also around the world who face persecution and hate.
The LGBTQ community who are also still facing persecution in many parts of the world and for whom Pride is more than just a parade.

Lord hear our prayer.

I haven't attended YouTube church since Easter but I will be checking in this weekend (either live or on the saved video) because the children's church is playing a part in the service and E had a small contribution.  Photos and artwork done by the children are also being shared.  If you check it out, keep your eye out for Q's and E's pieces, see below.  Search for "Royal York Road United Church" on YouTube, live service starts at 10:30 EST on Sunday morning. 

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